Return to King of Annwn Cycle and new Patreon tiers

I guess it was always going to happen. I couldn’t set it down for long. When I gave up my desire to be a professional author at the end of last year I let my King of Annwn Cycle series of books go with it. Since then I’ve felt like a part of me is missing and when I’ve been praying and meditating with Gwyn I’ve felt a yearning to have a full story of His life to meditate on and been filled with sadness at its absence. I’ve also had a niggling feeling that my promise to write ‘His book’ in my failed version was unfulfilled.

This feeling has grown and grown. Over the past couple of days I have found myself looking back at the old material and thinking in the earlier poetry and story fragments from the beginning and the poem from the end I still have something. It’s not going to be a fantasy-style novel to sell in the mainstream or an epic re-imagining of a Brythonic creation myth but a story of Gwyn’s birth and creation of His kingdom which might appeal to other Gwyn devotees and to followers of this blog.

When I asked Gwyn if He wanted me to return to it He said “Yes – it’s my gift.”

In these simple words I perceived a delightful reciprocity. It’s my gift from Him to gift back to Him. A gift from us to those who are open to receiving it. This reciprocal process of gifting forms the core of my devotional relationship with Gwyn and with my audience.

Gwyn also gave me a symbol to represent the King of Annwn Cycle – His golden ring with two serpents biting one another’s tails. This double ouroboros has meaning for me on many levels. Driving the cosmic cycle are the battles between the red and white serpents, between Gwyn and Gwythyr, and this also represents how patron and devotee, the Gods and humanity, feed upon and nourish one another.

In response to this and to other inspirations I have updated my Patreon tiers to reflect that I am able to give more and thus perhaps to ask for a little more in return.


£1 Fairy Ring

You will have access to a quarterly patron only online Q & A session and discussion on Annuvian / Faerie lore and exploring Annwn and building relationships with its Gods and spirits.

£2.50 News from Sister Patience

You will receive the aforementioned and my quarterly newsletter on the equinoxes and solstices in which I will share news about my life as a polytheist nun through the seasons.

£4 Visions from the Mist

You will receive the aforementioned and fortnightly patron only posts where I will share visions and experiences from journeys and spirit work which I will not be sharing in public.

£7 King of Annwn Cycle Excerpts

You will receive the aforementioned and monthly patron only excerpts from my King of Annwn Cycle.

£10 Winter Gifts

You will receive the aforementioned and winter gifts in the post at the Winter Solstice which will include illustrated poetry, drawings, and print outs of my best work.

£12 Annuvian Butterflies

You will receive the aforementioned and up to four 30 minute soul guidance sessions per year which can include divination and explorations of Annwn, its Deities, and the lore.

£15 Mythic Books

You will receive the aforementioned, free PDFs of my existing books on joining, your name in my future books and free print and digital copies when they are published.

You can join my Patreon HERE.

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