Vindos / Gwyn ap Nudd

A selection of writings for my patron, Gwyn ap Nudd, a ruler of Annwn, guide and guardian of those who walk between worlds and gatherer of the souls of the dead.

Gwyn’s Apprenticeship

Glastonbury Tor, January 2013

Honouring Gwyn ap Nudd
Gwyn’s Apprenticeship and the Role of the Awenydd
On Becoming Gwyn’s Awenydd

King of Annwn

Cave, Silverdale

Gwyn ap Nudd and the Spirits of Annwn: Remembering the Underworld Gods
Those are but Devils

For more on Gwyn’s role as Pen Annwn see Annwn.

Leader of the Hunt

Llyn Cau

Gwyn’s Hunt
Memories of Gwyn’s Hunt in Culhwch and Olwen

Gwyn’s Feast

Featured Image -- 13217

Gwyn’s Feast

The Battle for Creiddylad


Gwyn, Gwythyr and Creiddylad: A Story from the Old North
Honouring the Death of Gwyn

Gwyn’s Sacred Animals

Cwn Annwn Tattoo Design by Nixie

Dormach and the Jaws of Annwn
Cwn Annwn and the Passage of Souls
The Bull of Battle and the Great Horned Bull
Riding the White Horse
Du y Moroedd: Travelling the Old North, Wales and Beyond
The Crazy Owl of Gwyn ap Nudd

Gatherer of Souls

Pathway, Tockholes Wood

The Brightness beyond Endurance: The Battle of Arfderydd
Gwenddolau ap Ceidio, Bull Protector of Arfderydd
Brân ap Ywerydd: Five Brâns?
Meurig ap Careian and Elaeth the Poet
Gwallog ap Lleenog: One Brother Dies and the Other Lives On
Maelgwn and the Death Hound
The Gwyllon: ‘Wyllt-ness’ and the Healing Power of Art

Gwyn by other names


Afallach – the Apple King

Ogyrven the Giant

abcedilros - the giant's letters

The Giant’s Letters