I Hail You

Gwyn ap Nudd, White son of Mist,
I hail You in the morning
and pray with You beside me
I will never be lost again.

Gwyn ap Nudd, Hunter in the Skies,
I hail You in the morning
and pray with You beside me
my hunt, my quest, will never die.

Gwyn ap Nudd, Bull of Conflict,
I hail You in the morning
and pray with You beside me
I will keep on fighting through this day.

Gwyn ap Nudd, Keeper of the Cauldron,
I hail You in the morning
and pray with You beside me
my life will be filled with inspiration.

Gwyn ap Nudd, Ruler of Annwn,
I hail You in the morning
and pray with You beside me
I will know the unfathomable depths.

Gwyn ap Nudd, Gatherer of Souls,
I hail You in the morning
and pray with You beside me
I will gather my pieces be whole again.

Gwyn ap Nudd, Lord of the Dead,
I hail You in the morning
and pray with You beside me
I will walk with courage until the end.

This is a prayer for Gwyn ap Nudd through which I have been praying to Him every morning as part of my developing monastic practice. Up until now all my poems for Him have either been for specific Holy Days or have been an expression of a particular experience with Him. This is the first time I have written something more formal, based upon His epithets, which could also potentially be used by others should they want a starting point for building a relationship with Gwyn.

Reciting a set prayer every morning (I have now memorised it) has been a new experience for me as my devotions up until now have been mainly spontaneous. I’ll admit somedays I haven’t felt like praying it, but have been glad when I have, and others I’ve really needed it. I have found it anchoring as an affirmation of Gwyn’s presence in my life and the gifts He brings and have experienced different meanings and nuances in the words as I have recited them on different days and in different circumstances.

If you would like to incorporate this prayer into your own practice please feel free to.

4 thoughts on “I Hail You

  1. Tree says:

    Oh!! I absolutely love this! Thank you for sharing it. I have found it helpful to have a set prayer or song for my morning practice so that even if I’m short on time or inspiration, I can always rely on this to anchor me into the sacredness of the day and honor my relationship(s).

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